Already competing in field trials?

Spaniel with head looking up in grass
Rebecca Goutorbe © / The Kennel Club ©

After becoming a member of a field trial society and attending training sessions, you will be ready to enter a gundog working test or field trial.

Competitors taking part in any Kennel Club licensed event must familiarise themselves with the Field Trial J Regulations beforehand (regulation amendments as of 1 January can be found in the back of this booklet).

Learn more about all the awards you can achieve.

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Gundog working tests (GWTs)

Gundog working tests (GWTs) are competitions which, by artificially simulating shooting day conditions, seek to assess the working abilities of the various breeds of gundog without game being shot.

Gundog working tests are run for any of the three sub-groups of gundog recognised by The Kennel Club as detailed below:

  • Retrievers 
  • sporting Spaniels 
  • breeds which hunt, point and retrieve

The following classes of competition are recognised by The Kennel Club:

  • Open: open to all dogs of a specified breed or breeds, although preference may be given to dogs which have gained a place or Certificate of Merit at a field trial, been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in an open GWT, or won a novice GWT
  • Novice: confined to dogs which have not gained a place or Certificate of Merit at a field trial, been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in an open GWT or 1st in a novice GWT held in accordance with The Kennel Club's rules and field trial regulations 
  • Puppy: confined to dogs of specific breed/s less than 18 months of age on the date of the test
  • Unclassified: open to all dogs of a specified breed/s but may be restricted by conditions as determined by the society. To include water and team tests. A water test can include dogs of any sub-group competing together. However, if dogs of more than one sub-group are competing as a team, each sub-group will compete and be judged in accordance with The Kennel Club's gundog working test regulations relating to that group.
Find out more information on The Kennel Club’s Gundog Working Tests
Field trials

Generally societies will run field trials and allocate awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place, as well as Certificate of Merit. For the championship stakes, Diplomas of Merit will be awarded in place of the Certificate of Merit. Awards accumulated are documented on dogs' records at The Kennel Club.

Dogs winning 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th awards or Certificates of Merit at their first field trial held under The Kennel Club's Field Trial Regulations, will receive a Stud Book Number Certificate from The Kennel Club.

  • Puppy stake
  • All aged stake
  • Novice stake
  • Open stake - owner of winning dog will receive a certificate from The Kennel Club
  • Championship/champion stake - owners of dogs winning 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or a Diploma of Merit will receive a certificate from The Kennel Club

The Kennel Club runs a number of its own field trials. More information about The Kennel Club field trials can be found below.

Field Trial Champion

To become a Field Trial Champion (FT Ch), different qualifications are required for each sub-group. 

The following dogs shall be entitled to be described as Field Trial Champions:

1. Pointers and Setters

(a) A dog placed 1st in the Pointer and Setter champion stake.

(b) A dog which gains two 1st awards at two different field trial meetings in open stakes for Pointers and Setters under two different panel A judges. In the event that the same panel A judge officiates at both trials, the dog will be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion provided that the co-judge at one trial is also a panel A judge.

There must be no fewer than 16 runners in each of the stakes and one of these wins must be in a stake open to Pointers and all breeds of Setter.

2. Retrievers

(a) A dog placed 1st in the Retriever championship.

(b) A dog which gains two 1st awards in 24-dog open stakes under three different panel A judges.

(c) A dog which gains a 1st award in one 24-dog and one one-day open stake under three different panel A judges.

(d) A dog which gains a 1st award in three one-day open stakes under three different panel A judges.

In a 24-dog stake there must be no fewer than 20 runners and in a one-day stake no fewer than 10 runners. For a dog to be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion, one of its wins must be in a stake open to all breeds of Retriever.

3. Proviso for all Retrievers

Before any Retriever is entitled to be described as a Field Trial Champion it must also have a Water and Drive Certificate. The Water Certificate may, but not necessarily, be gained at a special water test. The special water test must have been conducted before two panel A judges at one of the following: the Retriever championship, a field trial stake, or at a subsequent special test. (J(A)2 refers.)

4. Cocker Spaniels

(a) A dog placed 1st in the Cocker Spaniel championship.

(b) A dog which gains two 1st awards in open stakes under two different panel A judges. In the event that the same panel A judge officiates at both stakes, the dog will be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion provided that the co-judge at one stake is also a panel A judge.

With the exception of the Cocker Spaniel championship, all stakes must be limited to a maximum of 18 dogs. In order for the stakes to qualify there must be no fewer than 14 runners.

5. Any Variety Spaniel [Excluding Spaniel (Cocker)]

(a) A dog placed 1st in the any variety Spaniel [excluding Spaniel (Cocker)] championship.

(b) A dog which gains two 1st awards in open stakes under two different panel A judges. In the event that the same panel A judge officiates at both stakes, the dog will be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion provided that the co-judge at one stake is also a panel A judge.

With the exception of the any variety Spaniel [excluding Spaniel (Cocker)] championship, all stakes must be limited to a maximum of 18 dogs. In order for the stakes to qualify there must be no fewer than 14 runners.

6. Proviso for all Spaniels

Before a dog is entitled to be described as a Field Trial Champion, it must also have gained a Water Certificate. The Water Certificate may, but not necessarily, be gained at a special water test. The special water test must have been conducted before two panel judges, one of whom must be an A, at one of the following: the championship, a field trial stake or at a subsequent special test. (J(A)2 refers.)

7. Breeds which hunt, point and retrieve

(a) A dog placed 1st in the championship for breeds which hunt, point and retrieve.

(b) A dog which gains two 1st awards in open stakes for breeds which hunt, point and retrieve under two different panel A judges. In the event that the same panel A judge officiates at both stakes, the dog will be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion provided the co-judge at one stake is also a panel A judge.

In order for the stakes to qualify there must be no fewer than 10 runners. For the dog to be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion one of its wins must be in a stake open to all breeds which hunt, point and retrieve.

Dual Champion

Any gundog which has been awarded the title of Show Champion and Field Trial Champion will gain the new title of Dual Champion.

Working Gundog Certificate (WGC)

The aim of the Working Gundog Certificate (WGC) is to provide credible proof that the handler and dog are a competent partnership, with the qualities to fulfil the general requirements of work on a shoot. The certificate may be gained at a variety of different events so that all aspects of a dog's work in the shooting field can be observed. The certificate will be issued by The Kennel Club and will list those tasks achieved on the day. Successful partnerships will have the distinction of having their names published in the field trials newsletter.

Who can take part?

The certificate is open to all Kennel Club pedigree registered dogs, crossbreeds and unregistered dogs, whose owners wish to demonstrate their dog’s working ability. Owners of crossbreed and previously unregistered dogs wishing to take the WGC must register the dog(s) on The Kennel Club Activity Register in advance.

Participants can only take part in the Working Gundog Certificate once they have received their Activity Register certificate, so please allow at least two months for your application to be processed.

What is required?

Handlers and dogs will be required to demonstrate competence in the following:

  • control
  • obedience
  • temperament
  • hunting
  • retrieving

Where and how will the assessment take place?

The WGC can be achieved at a variety of events:

  • A shoot using game:
    On a shoot, assessors will observe the participants throughout the day as they work their dogs in their usual role. The assessors will not devise any situations but simply be observing how a handler and dog cope with the specific tasks that naturally arise during the day

  • A WGC day for dogs that retrieve using dummies:
    At these days, the criteria will be assessed using simulated shooting field exercises:
    • handlers and dogs walk together to the start area with the dogs off lead and under control
    • a simulated drive with dogs assessed both in the beating line and waiting at pegs
    • hunting for seen dummies after the drive
    • hunting for unseen dummies after the drive
    • a marked retrieve from water
    • a marked retrieve from over an obstacle
    • a steadiness exercise where dogs are left together whilst handlers collect up decoys

  • A WGC day for dogs that point:
    At these days, the dogs will be assessed on hunting, locating, pointing and steadiness. The dogs should hunt the ground in a regular pattern, point live game, produce on command and be steady to flush and shot. Some participants may wish to take the retrieving assessment which might be organised on the day or at a later WGC day, a gundog working test or on a shoot. 

  • A gundog working test (GWT):
    An assessment at a GWT will be assessed against the criteria either by using separate exercises or using the exercises available on the day.

To obtain a free copy of the Working Gundog Certificate Handbook, please email your postal address to our field trials team or download a pdf version.

Show Gundog Working Certificate

The aim of the Show Gundog Working Certificate (SGWC) is to provide credible proof of the natural working ability of a gundog registered with The Kennel Club that has already proved it meets The Kennel Club's breed standard by a qualification in the show ring.

Read more about The Kennel Club Show Gundog Working Certificate.

Stud book number

A stud book number is gained when your dog either wins a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th placed award, a Diploma of Merit or a Certificate of Merit at a field trials stake held under The Kennel Club Field Trial Regulations.

Field Trials Newsletter

Below are the previous three additions of the field trial newsletter:

If you would like to sign up for a copy of the field trials newsletter you can do so through your account. You first need to log in to your account and select my communications preferences which can be found on the left-hand side. You will then see an option for the field trials newsletter which you can tick. 

Field Trials Newsletter guidance, reminders and regulation clarification summary

To receive an old copy of the field trials newsletter that is not available above you can get in touch by using the contact us form.

Find a Show/Trial
Code of best practice for field trials competitors

The Kennel Club field trials - schedules and entry forms

The Kennel Club runs a number of their own field trials each year. Wherever possible entries should be made online, however if paper entries are required please email 

Field trials secretary (The Kennel Club)
Pointers and Setters

The Kennel Club Championships

The Kennel Club runs five field trial championships each year. View the results and learn how your dog can enter.

Annual Kennel Club trophy awards

A number of prestigious field trials annual trophy awards are on offer each year. To find out if you are eligible, refer to each award below.

The Hanlye Trophy

The Hanlye Trophy is awarded to the breeder of the winner of the Routledge Rank Cup. It was presented by Brig. Thomas Fairfax-Ross in memory of his wife, Felicite.

The Routledge Rank Trophy

The Routledge Rank Trophy is awarded to the owner of the Retriever which has gained the most points in a season.  

Points are awarded according to the following table:

Place Championship

2-day stake

24 dogs

1-day stake

12 dogs

1st 8 6 3
2nd 6 3 2
3rd 5 2 1

The Routledge Rank Trophy is named for Vincent Routledge, a prominent trialler and Lord Rank, better known as J Arthur Rank, founder of the Rank Film Organisation who maintained a large gundog kennel on the Scotney Estate.

The Routledge Rank Trophy previous winners
  • 2023-24 Mr M Gould Mitforton Tout de suite of Hawkerline
  • 2022-23 Mr D Boyle Knockyclovaun Ralph
  • 2021-22 - Mr K Broomfield Lowtrey Klay of Ticefield / Mrs L Hill FTCh Stauntonvale Lemon Posset
  • 2019-20 - Mr D Boyle Miller McDuff
  • 2018 - 19 - Mrs L Hill Stauntonvale Tic Bean 
  • 2017 - 18 - Mr Bettinson FTCh Cynhinfa Ladislav
            - The Duke of Buccleuch FTCh Buccleuch Xena
  • 2016 - 17 - Ms Anne Faulds FTCh The Caper Countess
  • 2015 - 16 - Mr R King FTCh Saxaphone Brown Ale of Lincswolds
            - Mr R Drysdale FTCh Denbank Khaki
  • 2014 - 15 - Mrs R J Coley FTCh Waterford Ganton
            - Mrs H Sully FTCh Quabrook Keava
  • 2013 -14 - Mr D S Latham FTCh Delfleet Neon of Fendawood
  • 2012 - 13- Mrs H Bradley with FTCh Heathergaye Hundall
  • 2011 -12 - Mrs R J Coley FTCh Waterford Fergus
            - Mrs S Halstead FTCh Levenghyl Silvercloud of Drakeshead
            - Mr D S Latham FTCh Delfleet Neon of Fendawood
  • 2010 - 11 - Duchess of Devonshire FTCh Roberto Rannaldini of Bolton Abbey
  • 2009 - 10 - Miss C Finlan FTCh Cherwood Ace of Spades
  • 2008 - 09 - Mrs S Halstead FTCh Levenghyl Silver Cloud of Drakeshead
  • 2007 - 08 - Mr K Broomfield FTCh Mavericks Goose
  • 2006 - 07 - Mr L Mclean FTCh Lettermore Loyal of Aithness
  • 2005 - 06 - Mr J T Swindlehurst FTCh Millcottage Pathfinder
  • 2004 - 05 - Mr D S Latham FTCh Draskeshead Deana
            - Mr J A Drury FTCh Tweedshot Kite
            - Mr M J Wright FTCh Marcus May Be of Wadesmill
  • 2003 -04 - Mrs T Lawrence Willowyck Ruff
  • 2002 -03 - Mr A P K Bates FTCh Flyli ne Clint
            - Mr A Thornton FTCh Willowyck Jack Snipe
            - The Marchioness of Hartington FTCh Ralsbrook Rhum of Bolton Abbey
            - Mr T S Smith FTCh Craighorn Bracken
  • 2001 -02 - Mrs H Bradley Kenwu Wilson of Heathergaye
            - Mr V D Olner (G.Ret) FTCh Haresmead Isidore
  • 2000 -01 - Mrs A Reid FTCh Bracken Berrybrae
  • 1999 - 20- Mrs A Heywood-Lonsdale FTCh Ulstar Style
  • 1998 - 99 - Mr J Halstead Drakeshead Garth
  • 1997 - 98- Mrs A Heywood-Lonsdale FTCh Ulstar Style
  • 1996 -97 - Mrs A Reid FTCh Linksview Jet
  • 1995 - 96 - Mrs A Reid FTCh Linksview Jet
  • 1994 - 95 - Mr W L Steel FTCh Symington Clarerine of Leadburn
            - Mrs T Lawrence FTCh Willowyck Lin
  • 1993 - 94 - Mr R Forbes FTCh Tasco Broom Tip of Carnochway
            - Mr A C M Rountree Int FTCh Heatherbank Alex of Tasco
            - Mr W L Steel FTCh Symington Clarerine of Leadburn
  • 1992 - 93 - Mr J Halstead Raughlin Pete of Drakeshead
  • 1991 - 92- Mrs T Lawrence FTCh Cottismoor Accord
  • 1990 - 91- Mr A Thornton FTCh Tasco Dancing Brave of Willowyck
  • 1989 - 90- Mr R Atkinson (G.Ret) FTCh Holway Ruby
  • 1986-88 not awarded
  • 1985  - 86 - Mrs S Halstead FTCh Breeze of Drakeshead
  • 1984 - 85 - not awarded
  • 1983 - 84 - not awarded
  • 1982 - 83 - Mr R C Atkinson (G.Ret) FTCh Little Marston Chorus of Holway
  • 1981 - 82 - Mr D Garbutt Pocklington Glen
  • 1980 - 81 - Mr J Halstead FTCh Glencoin Drummer of Drakeshead
  • 1979 - 80 - Mrs S Halstead Whstead Shot of Drakeshead
            - Mr A C M Rountree Leacross Rinkals
  • 1978 - 79 - Mr R S Hill FTCh Drakeshead Wisp
  • 1977 - 78 - Mrs J Atkinson  (G.Ret) FTCh Holway Chanter
  • 1976 - 77 - Mr P R Elsey FTCh Hedenham Park Dash of Philray
  • 1975 - 76 - Mr G Meldrum FTCh Lugwardine Jade
  • 1974 - 75 - Mr P Singleton FTCh Belway Della
  • 1973 - 74 - Mr W Charles Williams FTCh Berrystead Glenbruar Beau
  • 1972 - 73 - Mr J R Elsey Philray Tina
            - Mr D Machinnon FTCh Swinbrook Beatle
            - His Grace The Duke of Wellington FTCh Stratfieldsaye Bienmhor Lomond
  • 1971 - 72 - Mrs J R Atkinson (G.Ret) FTCh Holway Gaiety
  • 1970 - 71 - Mrs J R Atkinson (G.Ret) FTCh Holway Gaiety
  • 1969 - 70 - Capt. D Mackinnon FTCh Beinmhor Tide
  • 1968 - 69 - Not awarded
  • 1967 - 68 - Capt. D Mackinnons FTCh Beinmhor Tide
  • 1966 - 67 - Mr F B Baldwin (G.Ret) FTCh Holway Teal of Westley
  • 1965 - 66 - Lord Rank FTCh Scotney Crickleybarrow
  • 1964 - 65 - Mr F George FTCh Creedypark Digger
  • 1963 - 64 - Lord Rank FTCh Scotney Crickleybarrow Pebble
  • 1962 - 63 - Lord Rank FTCh Scotney Crickleybarrow pebble
  • 1961 - 62 - Lord Rank FTCh Scotney Jingle
  • 1960 - 61 - Lord Rank FTCh Scotney Jjngle
  • 1959 - 60 - Lord Rank FTCh Scotney Jingle
  • 1958 - 59 - Mr J A Taylor FTCh Johnkaw Rip
  • 1957 - 58 - Mrs J R Atkinson FTCh Mazurka of Wynford
  • 1956 - 57 - Mrs B Harcourt Woods FTCh Norham Blackie
  • 1955 - 56 - Mr R Burton FTCh Brackenbank Merry
  • 1954 - 55 - Mr F Bell FTCh Grouse Adee
  • 1953 - 54 - Mrs A Heywood-Lonsdale  FTCh Shavington Rip
  • 1952 - 53 - Maj H Peacock Greatford Churchfield Jet
            - Mr & Mrs H Taylors Whatstandwell Hiwood Brand
  • 1951 - 52 - Maj  H Peacock FTCh Greatford Churchfield Jet
How to apply for the Routledge Rank Trophy

To claim for the Routledge Rank Trophy, please complete the application form:

Note, if you are unable to complete this form online, please contact 01296 318540.

The Gavosie Trophy

The Gavosie Trophy is awarded to the female handler accruing the most points at field trials during a season and can be awarded in any of the sub-groups of Retrievers, Spaniels, Pointers and Setters and HPRs.

Points can be claimed using the following table:

Place Championship Open All aged
1st 20 15 10 5
2nd 19 14 9 4
3rd 18 13 8 3
4th 17 12 7 2
COM 16 11 6 1

The Gavosie Trophy was presented to The Kennel Club by Graham Evans of the Gavosie Kennel.

The Gavosie Trophy previous winners
  • 2023-24 Mrs L Hill
  • 2022-23 Mrs S Gadd
  • 2021-22 - Mrs L Hill
  • 2019-20 - Miss C Calvert
  • 2018-19 - Mrs L Hill
  • 2017-18 - Miss A Hayes
  • 2016-17 - Miss C Calvert
  • 2015-16 - Dr J Hay
  • 2014-15 - Mrs C Calvert
  • 2013-14 - Mrs S Halstead
  • 2012-13 - Mrs A Wise
  • 2011-12 - Mrs A Wise
  • 2009-10 - Mrs J P Darragh
  • 1990-2008 - Not awarded
  • 1988-89 - Mrs M Simons
  • 1987-88 - Mrs M Simons
  • 1986-87 - Mrs J Atkinson
  • 1985-86 - Mrs R Gosling
  • 1984-85 - Mrs R Gosling
How to apply for the Gavosie Trophy

To claim for the Gavosie Trophy, please complete our application form:

Note: If you are unable to complete this form online, please contact 01296 318540.

Field Trial Team GB

Following on from competing in the world championships in Croatia 2024, HPR owners and Pointer and Setter owners who wish to apply for selection to compete in the world championships in 2025 can can visit our Field Trial Team GB page.

Field Trials Liaison Council

The Field Trials Liaison Council is an annual forum for the proposal and discussion of items generated directly from field trials societies, clubs and individuals. It is an opportunity for the field trials fraternity to submit requests, changes, problems and discussion items to each other and The Kennel Club.

What is the Field Trials Liaison Council?

The Field Trials Liaison Council is made up of representatives nominated by all field trial clubs with open status, elected for a three-year term to act as a channel of communication between field trial clubs, competitors and The Kennel Club. The council is an annual forum for the proposal and discussion of items generated directly from the grassroots within the sport.

Early in the year, notification of the forthcoming meeting and a request for submission of items will be issued. Clubs are encouraged to discuss any proposals with their membership and notify their representative and The Kennel Club of their item. Individuals can also put items forward through a representative. Once produced, the agenda is circulated to the representatives who are required to discuss all items with their clubs and gather feedback. The agenda is also available online.

At the council meeting, items must be seconded and are spoken to by the appropriate representative. Once they have been discussed, a vote is taken by the representatives as to whether outcomes should be recommended for approval or not. Following production of the minutes, the approved recommendations are submitted to the field trials committee. The responses from the committee are fed back to all representatives via the results of recommendations document. 

Note: no recommendation from the Field Trials Liaison Council becomes policy until it has been agreed by the field trials committee and then the board.

How to become a liaison council representative

Representatives are elected for a period of three years and the current term of office of all The Kennel Club Liaison Council representatives ends on 31 December 2024. 

Representatives are elected by The Kennel Club's registered societies and clubs that have an active interest in field trials.

Field Trials Liaison Council meetings and agendas
Field Trials Liaison council representatives


Club Name

Steve Adams

Shropshire & Staffordshire Working Spaniel Society, Welsh Kennel Club

Meryl Asbury

Scottish Field Trials Association, Dukeries (Notts.) Gundog Club

James Bailey

Guildford Working Gundog Club, Herts, Beds, Bucks, Berks & Hants Retriever Society, South Eastern Gundog Society

Graham Bird

Golden Retriever Club, Yellow Labrador Club, Labrador Club of Wales

Christine Bridgwater

Essex Field Trials Society, Meon Valley Spaniel Club

Valerie Brookes

North Devon Working Gundog Club, Wiltshire Working Gundog Society and English Springer Spaniel Club of Wales

Carole Brown

Pointer Club, Strabane & District Setter & Pointer Club

Ken Byron

Suffolk Gundog Club and Cambridgeshire Field Trial Society

Carol Calvert

Northern Ireland Pointer Club, Ulster Irish Red Setter Club

Michael Canham

Lothian & Borders Gundog Association, North of Scotland Gundog Association

Simon Capstick

Three Ridings Labrador Club, Yorkshire Gundog Club, Cheshire, North Wales and Shropshire Retriever and Spaniel Society

Christina Carpenter

Bristol and West Working Gundog Society, Weimaraner Club of Great Britain

John Castle

Gamekeepers National Association, Moray Firth Spaniel and Retriever Club, Grampian Gundog Club

Mark Clifford

Coventry & District Gundog Society, Barton on Humber Gundog Club, Spaniel Club

Margaret Cox

West of England Labrador Retriever Club, Cornwall Field Trial Society

Steve Cullis

Arun & Downland Gundog Society, Southern & Western Counties Field Trial Society

Noel Doran

Ulster Gundog League, Craigavon Gundog Club

Helen Ford

Flatcoated Retriever Society, South Western Golden Retriever Club

John Goldsmith

Tyne Tees & Tweed Field Trials Association, Yorkshire Sporting Spaniel Club

Robert Gould

Gordon Setter Field Trial Society, Southern Pointer Club

Jennifer Hay

Golden Retriever Club of Northumbria, Golden Retriever Club of Scotland, Yorkshire Golden Retriever Club, Northern Golden Retriever Association

John Henderson

Scottish Gundog Association, Tay Valley Gundog Association and Strathmore Working Gundog Club

Jennifer Hurley

Hungarian Vizsla Society, German Shorthaired Pointer Association

Sally Jenkins

Westward Gundog Society, West Dartmoor Working Gundog Club

Alix Johnson

Italian Spinone Club of Great Britain, Norfolk & Suffolk HPR Field Trial Club

Richard Johnston

Labrador Retriever Club of Northern Ireland, Ulster Retriever Club

Fiona Joint

Labrador Retriever Club, Burns and Becks Gundog Club

Jon Kean

Pointer Club of Scotland, Northern Counties Pointer and Setter Society

Stephen Kimberley

German Wirehaired Pointer Club, Worcestershire Gundog Club

Fiona Kirk

English Setter Club, International Gundog League (Pointer & Setter Society)

Wendy Knight

London Working Spaniel Society, Mid Sussex Working Spaniel Club, Eastern Counties Spaniel Society

Barbara Kuen

Chiltern Gundog Society, Mid Norfolk Gundog Society, International Gundog League (Retriever Society)

Rory Major

Large Munsterlander Club, Brittany Club of Great Britain, Hunt, Point & Retrieve Gundog Association

Sean McGrath

Usk Valley Working Gundog Club, Dove Valley Working Gundog Club, United Retriever Club

Morwenna McNally

Pembrokeshire Working Gundog Society and Duchy Working Gundog Club

William Megaughin

Fermanagh Gundog Club, North West Ulster Spaniel Club

Phillipa Pinn

Midland Counties Field Trial Society, Shropshire Gundog Society, Welsh & English Counties Spaniel Club

Roy Proctor

Midland English Springer Spaniel Society, English Springer Spaniel Club

Alan Rees

Carmarthenshire Working Gundog Society, Glamorganshire Field Trial Society

Steve Richardson

East Midland Gundog Club, Midland Gundog Society, North Western Counties Field Trials Association

Terri Siwek

Leconfield Working Spaniel Club, Western Counties & South Wales Spaniel Club, Eastern Counties Spaniel Society

Peter Smith

English Springer Spaniel Club of Northern Ireland, Antrim & Down Springer Spaniel Club, Mid-Ulster Gundog Association, Northern Ireland Working Cocker Club, Foyle Valley Working Cocker Club

Vicki Stanley

Arfon Working Gundog Club, Clwyd Retriever Club

Philip Turner

Ulster Golden Retriever Club, Northern Ireland Gundog, Field & Show Society

Joy Venturi-Rose

Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club, Hampshire Gundog Society

Ruth Webster

Hunt, Point & Retrieve Gundog Association, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Association

Tom West

South West Scotland Gundog Association, Gordon District Gundog Club, Forth & Clyde Working Gundog Association

Samantha Whyte

Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club, Lincolnshire Gundog Society, Northumberland & Durham Labrador Retriever Club, Yorkshire Retriever Field Trial Society

Nigel Wroe

Weimaraner Association, Hungarian Vizsla Club

Maggy Halliday

Mid Herts Gundog Club, Gordon Setter Association

Next steps - judging

Once you have competed, you might like to start judging. Find out how you can become a field trial judge.

Additional resources