After discussion by the Field Trials Committee it has been agreed by the Kennel Club that pedigree dogs not registered on the Main Register, as well as crossbreed dogs, may now take part in a Working Gundog Certificate event. However, to do so they would need to be registered on the Activity Register.
Please note that whilst such dogs are now able to take part in WGC events when registered on the Activity Register, this would not permit them to take part in Gundog Working Tests or Field Trials.
Wilson Young, Field Trial Committee Chairman, said: “It is very much hoped that this latest move will encourage more owners to try for their dog’s Working Gundog Certificate, the aim of which is to provide credible proof that the handler and dog are a competent partnership, with the qualities to fulfil the general requirements of work on a shoot. The certificate may be gained at a variety of different events so that all aspects of a dog's work in the shooting field can be observed.”