PHPT (primary hyperparathryoidism)

Details about the disease

This condition leads to increased activity of the parathyroid glands (small glands in the neck), a gland which is important in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus in the body. The excess of parathyroid hormone causes problems in the bones and kidneys. PHPT is thought to be the second most common cause of pathologic hypercalcemia (high levels of calcium in the blood) in dogs.

Clinical signs

In the early phases of this disease, the affected dogs tend to be relatively free of clinical effects except for increased drinking and urination. This condition affects middle aged to older dogs with a mean age of approximately 10½ years. The gradual onset of clinical effects includes weakness, lethargy (lack of energy), shaking and sometimes weight loss. Many have concurrent calcium containing urolithiasis (bladder or kidney stones). As the hypercalcemia (high levels of calcium in the blood) becomes more profound, organ damage occurs, including possible damage to bones as well as severe kidney damage.

How is it inherited?

In the early phases of this disease, the affected dogs tend to be relatively free of clinical effects except for increased drinking and urination. This condition affects middle aged to older dogs with a mean age of approximately 10½ years. The gradual onset of clinical effects includes weakness, lethargy (lack of energy), shaking and sometimes weight loss. Many have concurrent calcium containing urolithiasis (bladder or kidney stones). As the hypercalcemia (high levels of calcium in the blood) becomes more profound, organ damage occurs, including possible damage to bones as well as severe kidney damage.

Tests that have previously been available

  • DNA test - PHPT

Breeding advice and what your dog's results mean

If, once your dog is DNA tested, you would like to find out what their DNA test results mean, or how to select the right mate to avoid producing affected puppies, then please read our breeding advice and DNA testing information.

How to find out if a potential mate has been DNA tested

The Kennel Club’s Health Test Results Finder allows you to find the results of DNA tests carried out as part of The Kennel Club's official DNA testing schemes for any dog on The Kennel Club’s Breed Register.