The Kennel Club has announced further JCF-compliant breed appreciation days at which candidates will be able to take a multiple-choice exam on the breed standard, if they so wish.
The breeds and dates are as follows:
July 22
Speakers: Paul Singleton and Danny Cullen
Venue: Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire
September 22
Speakers: Nancy and Clive Evans and friends
Venue: Stoneleigh Park, West Midlands
Contact Steve Taylor on 07970 009495
Lagotto Romagnolo
September 30
Speaker: Gael Stenton
Venue: Kingston Blount, Oxfordshire
English Setter
October 13
Speakers: Penny Williams, Glenis Williams, Jane Dennis and Val Isherwood
Venue: Moffat, Dumfries and Galloway
Rhodesian Ridgeback
October 13
Speaker: Ann Woodrow
Venue: Bridgeford, Staffordshire
Cesky Terrier
October 13
Speaker: Harold Gay
Venue: Corley, West Midlands
Bichon Frise
October 14
Speaker: Maureen Reynolds
Venue: Mappleborough Green, Warwickshire
Dogue de Bordeaux
October 20
Speaker: Adrian Bicknell
Venue: Roade, Northamptonshire
Field Spaniel
October 21
Speaker: Jill Holgate
Venue: Yelvertoft, Northamptonshire
November 3
Speakers: Margaret Boulcott and Carole Mumby
Venue: Selby, North Yorkshire
November 3
Speakers: David Matthews and Karin Hickson
Venue: Roade, Northamptonshire
November 3
Speaker: Andrew Holland
Venue: Roade, Northamptonshire
Clumber Spaniel
November 18
Speaker: Ian Layfield
Venue: Coleshill, Warwickshire
Smooth Collie
March 16 2019
Speaker: Bev White
Venue: Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire
Tibetan Spaniel
May 5 2019
Speakers: Tony Moran and Barbara Wallis-Baga
Venue: Ampthill, Bedfordshire
The list of breed appreciation days, as well as other seminars relating to the JCF, can be found on the Kennel Club website which is updated regularly.