DNA test - AI/FEH (Amelogenesis Imperfecta/Familial Enamel Hypoplasia)

Details about the disease

Dogs that are affected by AI/FEH are unable to produce normal amounts of tooth enamel to fully cover their teeth. Tooth enamel is the hard, protective outer surface that helps to prevents tooth decay.

Clinical signs

Affected dogs will have teeth that are not equally covered in enamel. These dogs may have rough teeth that can be discoloured (usually brown areas or spots). Their teeth may be smaller than other dogs, and may be pointed with large gaps between teeth. Both baby teeth and adult teeth are affected.

How is it inherited?

The disease is described as an autosomal-recessive condition. This means that a dog must inherit two copies of an abnormal gene (one from its mother and one from its father) before its health is affected.

Which laboratories do test for this condition?

To find out which laboratories The Kennel Club is able to record results from, and which laboratories will send results directly to The Kennel Club, please refer to our website.

Please be aware, The Kennel Club has a set of criteria that we request DNA testing laboratories to meet to enable us to record their results, helping to maintain and protect the integrity of results that appear on a dog’s record. We strongly advise that customers ensure their chosen laboratory is included on our list if they wish The Kennel Club to record and publish the results. Results from laboratories not included on this list will not be recorded.

How we record your results and what they mean

Tested dogs will be recorded on The Kennel Club's systems as either:
The dog does not have any copies of the abnormal gene associated with the disease. The dog is highly unlikely to be clinically affected and will only pass on a normal copy of the gene to a puppy.
The dog has one copy of the normal gene and one copy of the abnormal gene associated with the disease. The dog is highly unlikely to be clinically affected, but may pass one copy of the normal gene, or one copy of the abnormal gene on to a puppy.
The dog has two copies of the abnormal gene associated with the disease. The dog will likely be clinically affected by the disorder and will pass one copy of the abnormal gene on to any potential offspring.

Breeding advice

If, once your dog is DNA tested, you would like to find out what their DNA test results mean, or how to select the right mate to avoid producing affected puppies, then please read our breeding advice and DNA testing information.

How to find out if a potential mate has been DNA tested

The Kennel Club’s on our Health Test Results Finder allows you to find the results of DNA tests carried out as part of The Kennel Club's official DNA testing schemes for any dog on The Kennel Club’s Breed Register.