The Kennel Club has recently approved the following changes to the regulations for obedience which will come into effect on 1 January 2020.
The below regulation has been amended in order to assist clubs in areas of the country where entries are low, by allowing stewards to compete. It is hoped this would ease the burden on some clubs in trying to find both judges and stewards from a small pool of people.
Amendment to Regulation G30.h.
Judges should whenever possible, provide their own Caller Stewards, but the Show Management shall provide any Caller Stewards if necessary. Caller and Scribe Stewards used by judges at the show must not work a dog on the same day., with the exception that at a show with 6 scheduled classes or less, caller and scribe stewards may compete in one class, other than the class in which they are officiating, provided that the class has 20 entries or less. Caller and scribe stewards taking up this option will be exempt from any running order and may compete at a convenient time agreed by the judges concerned.
(Deletion struck through. Insertion in bold).
(Effective 1 January 2020)
The below regulation has been amended to introduce a more gradual qualification for judges leading to their judging the higher classes, in order to ensure they had sufficient experience to do so.
Amendment to Regulation G32.e.
A Judge’s first three appointments for shows must be restricted to Novice.
The next three appointments must be up to and including Class A.
Before accepting an Open Class C appointment, a Judge must have completed at least a further nine appointments. These must include a minimum of three Class A and three Class B appointments. It is the individual’s responsibility to retain proof of their judging appointments.
(Insertions in bold)
(Effective 1 January 2020)
The below regulation has been amended to give handler an opportunity to gain more experience in the lower classes before progressing.
Amendment to Regulation G(A)6.a.
- To compete in Pre-Beginners a handler or dog must not have won two a First places in either Pre-Beginners or Beginners nor gained a third place or above in any other Obedience class (Introductory Class excepted).
(Insertions in bold. Deletions struck through.)
(Effective 1 January 2020)
The below regulation has been amended as it is felt that it would be helpful for competitors to see details of timed stays beforehand, especially for those competing with multiple dogs as it would allow them to plan their day in advance.
Amendment to Regulation G30.g.
Where timed stays will take place it must be announced in the schedule that they take priority over other tests. The times of such tests to be published at the show and in the catalogue, if available, and may also be published with running orders. Published stay times must not be changed, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the show management. In the case of Championship Class C stays must not be judged before 12 noon. In all other cases, timed stays must not commence before one hour after the published time for the commencement of judging.
(Insertions in bold)
(Effective 1 January 2020)
The below regulations have been amended to allow for the use of diagonal turns in fast pace in Class B and Class C. This will add further scope for judges when setting rounds.
Amendment to Regulation G(C)4.e.(3)
Class B. In this class at normal and slow pace the only permissible turns are turns of 90° to the left or right, 180° about turns to the right or the left and diagonal turns to the right and left. Medium or large circles and arcs can be included. At fast-pace the only permissible turns are turns of 90° to the left or right, diagonal turns to the right and 180° about turns to the right. Medium or large circles and arcs can be included.
(Insertion in bold)
(Effective 1 January 2020)
Amendment to Regulation G(C)4.e.(4)(i)
Class C (i) Permitted turns
At normal and slow pace the permissible turns are 90° to the left or right, 180° about turns to the left or right, diagonal turns to the left or right, and circles or arcs. At fast pace, the only permissible turns are 90° to the left or right, diagonal turns to the right and 180° about turns to the right, and circles or arcs.
(Insertion in bold)
(Effective 1 January 2020)