Changes to rally regulations

The Kennel Club has approved the following changes to the regulations for rally.

The below regulation has been amended to clarify that Limited Rally competitions were not required to schedule at least one standard competition, open to all.

Amendment to Regulation S5.a


  1. An Open Rally competition shall comprise at least one standard competition class at Level 1 or above as set out in Annex A to these Regulations.

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(Effective 1 January 2021)

The below regulation has been added to require judges to retake the Regulations and Judging Procedure examination every five years.

Amendment to Regulation S19.j


From 1 January 2022 all judges must have passed a Rally Regulations and Judging Procedure examination, every five years since passing the Regulations and Judging Procedure examination.  

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(Effective 1 January 2021)

The below regulation has been amended to bring it in line with all the other activities’ wording for judges contracts.

Amendment to Regulation S20.b


Host organisations are required to include the following wording in judges' invitation letters:

‘In accepting this invitation you agree to be bound by Kennel Club Rules and Regulations and the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice for Judges, and confirm that you are qualified to judge in accordance with Rally Regulation S19. In doing so you also recognise that you are obliged to notify us in writing of any change in personal circumstances which will affect your ability to fulfil this judging appointment. You should note that we reserve the right to cancel the contract before the date of the appointment if there is such a change in your circumstances which, in our reasonable opinion, would adversely affect your ability to fulfil the appointment. Clubs may cancel a judging appointment where there is clear evidence that the judge's ability to fulfil the appointment has been adversely affected, or in consultation with the judge.’

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(Effective 1 January 2021)

The below regulations have been amended in the interests of providing clarity and consistency. Please note that new signs with the new Kennel Club logo are now available, however, signs with the old logo are still suitable for use at Kennel Club licensed rally competitions.

Amendments to Regulations S(C) Bonus Exercise 5, S(C)54, S(C)56, S(C)60, S(C)61, S(C)63 and S(C)66


Regulation S(C) Bonus Exercise 5


SIT - LEAVE DOG - TURN - RECALL - HANDLER FINISH.  This exercise requires two signs. At the first sign (A) the handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. The handler may take the lead off or the dog may drag the lead. The handler walks to the second sign (B), which is placed approximately 2 metres from sign A, turns and recalls the dog to the front position. The dog remains in the sit whilst the handler moves left to take up the heel position. Once the handler has moved to the heel position, the exercise is considered complete. This is not a walk around exercise. NB: If this bonus is used at Level 3 or above there is no requirement to reattach the lead before attempting this bonus exercise.

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(Effective 1 January 2021)


Regulation S(C)54


SIT - LEAVE DOG - DOWN ON RECALL. This exercise requires two signs. At the first sign (A) the handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. The handler walks to the second sign (B) which is placed approximately 4.5 metres from sign A. The handler turns and faces the dog and recalls the dog. At any time during the recall, the handler cues the dog to down. Once the dog is down, the handler recalls the dog again. The dog must come and sit in the front position. The handler should ensure that they drop the dog leaving sufficient space for the second recall. The handler then cues the dog to Finish either Right or Left. This is a static exercise.

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(Effective 1 January 2021)


Regulation S(C)56


SIT LEAVE DOG - RECALL OVER JUMP. This exercise requires two signs. At the first sign (A) the handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. The jump must be approximately 4 metres from sign (A). The handler cues the dog to wait then walks to the second sign (B) which is approximately 4 metres away from the opposite side of the jump. The handler turns and faces the dog and recalls the dog. The dog must come over the jump and sit in front of the handler. The handler then cues the dog to Finish either Right or Left. This is a static exercise.

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(Effective 1 January 2021)


Regulation S(C) 60


RIGHT TURN - 1 or 2 STEPS - DOWN.  The handler turns to the right, cueing the dog to move with him/her. After turning and taking 1 or 2 steps the handler stops, cueing the dog to drop directly into a down position without first sitting. When the dog is down, the handler cues the dog to heel, and moves forward. This is a static exercise.

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(Effective 1 January 2021)


Regulation S(C) 61


LEFT TURN - 1 or 2 STEPS - DOWN. The handler turns to the left, cueing the dog to move with him/her. After turning and taking 1 or 2 steps the handler stops, cueing the dog to drop directly into a down position without first sitting. When the dog is down, the handler cues the dog to heel, and moves forwardThis is a static exercise.

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(Effective 1 January 2021)

Regulation S(C)63


STAND - LEAVE DOG - DOWN - SIT - RECALL - FINISH. This exercise requires two signs. The handler and dog stop at the first sign (A) and the handler cues the dog to remain standing. The dog does not sit first. The handler walks to the second sign (B) and turns and faces the dog, approximately 2 metres away. The handler cues the dog to Down, then Sit, then recalls the dog. Once the dog is sitting in front, the handler cues the dog to Finish Left or Right. This is a static exercise.

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(Effective 1 January 2021)


Regulation S(C)66


SIT - LEAVE DOG - ANGLED RECALL OVER JUMP. This exercise requires two signs. At the first sign (A) the handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. The jump must be approximately 4 metres from sign (A). The handler cues the dog to wait then walks to the second sign (B) which is placed approximately 4 metres away from the jump and 1 metre to either the right or left of the jump. The handler turns and faces the dog and cues the dog to jump. The dog must come over the jump and sit straight in front of the handler. The handler then cues the dog to Finish either Right or Left. This is a static exercise.

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(Effective 1 January 2021)

Please direct all enquiries to our team.