Help Centre - Health and welfare

Health Test Results Finder

If you are looking to check a health test, you can use The Kennel Club Health Test Results Finder. Use this resource to find any dog registered with The Kennel Club and see all available health information, DNA test results and screening scheme grades that we record. Please search using either the dog's stud book/registration number or its registered name, making sure that the information is exactly the same as is stated on the dog's registration certificate.

Further information 

If you have any further questions, please contact our health team.

Inbreeding Coefficient (COI) calculator

Looking to check a inbreeding coefficient? Use our inbreeding coefficient calculator. You are required to enter the Kennel Club registration name of the first dog and then at the bottom of page select ‘ADD MATING PARTNERS’ where you can enter up to two potential mates.

Further information 

If you have any further questions, please contact our health team.

Health schemes

Find out more about to particpate in Kennel Club health schemes and where health testing clinics are across our pages.

Further information 

If you have any further questions, please contact our health team.


DNA Testing Services

How do I place an order? 

You can order your health test pack through our online shop.

How long does it take for results to come back? 

How long does it take for results to come back?
We aim to email results back to you within 35 working days from receiving your sample. However, the turnaround time is dependent on variable factors, such as the shipment time of your sample to the test location(s). As some of these factors are out of our control, the mentioned 35 working days is only an estimate.

Further information 

If you have any further questions, please email


Monitoring breed health

How do I find a breed health survey?

Find out more about breed surveys that are currently available

I would like to speak to a Breed Health Coordinator?

Breed Health Coordinators (BHC) volunteer on behalf of breed clubs and councils to enable and improve the health and welfare of their chosen breed. Their main role is to collect data on the health of their breed and to collaborate with us on any health concerns the breed may have so they can prioritise these in the Breed’s Health and Conservation Plan (BHCP). To contact your breed’s Breed Health Coordinator, please select the relevant breed and scroll down to ‘Have any questions about health in your breed?’

Further information 

If you have any further questions, please contact our health team 

Health test results
If you require your health results to be recorded, please email a clear copy of your dog’s test certificate to our health team.
What health tests should I perform before I consider breeding from my dog?
Find out more information about any breed, including the health schemes that breeders should be using on our Kennel Club Breed A-Z.
My dogs BVA eye test result has not been added to the Health Test Results Finder?
The British Veterinary Association are responsible for adding the results of eye examinations directly onto our database. Please contact them directly.
I have not received my dogs hip/elbow scores?
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) receive the x-rays films directly from your vet and their scrutineers perform the scoring. At the end of this process The Kennel Club receives a copy of the results to record on your dog’s registration records. For any updates we would recommend you contact your veterinary practice. They can contact the BVA with their submission details for more information.
Can't find your answer?
Contact us via phone 01296 318540