The Kennel Club has announced the outcome of a Disciplinary Committee hearing held on 29 November 2019, which is subject to appeal.
Mr Colin Dobbin and Mrs Greta Dobbin
At its meeting on 29 November 2019, the Kennel Club Disciplinary Committee upheld a complaint brought by the Kennel Club under Kennel Club Rule A11 a (1) (b) against Mr Colin Dobbin and Mrs Greta Dobbin that they behaved discreditably or prejudicially to the interests of the canine world in that they that they submitted an application for Litter Registration to the Kennel Club which was untrue in that the Dam cited was incorrect and were un-cooperative and non-responsive and did not act in compliance with Regulation B22 f in the required DNA verification process to verify the litter.
The Committee imposed the following penalties:
1. To warn them as to their future conduct [A11 j (1)]
2. To censure them [A11 j (2)]
3. To fine them the sum of £ 500 [A11 j (3)]
4. To disqualify them from exhibiting at, taking part in, attending and/or having any connection with any event licensed by the Kennel Club. If any person disqualified under this sub-paragraph shall attend any canine event whilst disqualified the Board shall have the power to increase the period of disqualification [A11 j (4)]
5. To disqualify them from being or becoming a member of any canine club or society registered with or affiliated to the Kennel Club [A11 j (5)]
6. To disqualify them from acting as an Officer or serving on the Committee of any canine society [A11 j (6)]
7. To disqualify them from taking part in the management of any event licensed by the Kennel Club [A11 j (7)]
8. To disqualify them from judging at any event licensed by the Kennel Club [A11 j (8)]
9. To disqualify them from effecting registrations of any or all dogs and/or progeny of such dogs which are owned and/or registered by them (whether or not jointly owned and/or whether or not owned and/or registered in the name of a nominee) [A11 j ( 9)]
The suspensions and disqualifications are to be for a period of eight (8) years from 29 November 2019.
The Committee, following the impositions of these penalties, would draw the attention of the Respondent/s to the effect of Rule A11 sub-sections l and n.
Following the expiry of the disqualifications should Mr and Mrs Dobbin resume registration activity then all litter registrations should be subject to the B22 DNA verification process.
The Committee were satisfied that Mr and Mrs Dobbin have been responsible for a mis-registration and then failed to co-operate and comply with Kennel Club Regulation B22.f.
As has been stated in the past, the Kennel Club relies upon the honesty and integrity of breeders when registering their dogs and takes very seriously any mis-registration of Kennel Club records. The impact upon the registration system is that the trust and confidence in Kennel Club registration is compromised and undermined.
For that reason, it is vital that the B22 DNA verification process is implemented and completed if there is doubt over the accuracy of a litter registration. A breeder is expected to co-operate and assist in the verification of any registered litter and comply with Regulation B.22.f.
The registration must be verified and confirmed, corrected, repaired with the annotation three star protocol or cancelled. The Kennel Club commenced the process to verify the litter in question in December 2017. Mr and Mrs Dobbin prevaricated over the ensuing eighteen month period and did not satisfactorily verify the litter registration.
The particular impact in this case is that twenty registrations of related progeny were affected and are subject to the three star annotation rectification. It does mean that within three generations a full pedigree is restored and that in the interim the puppy owners are able to breed and participate in Kennel Club regulated activities. Nevertheless – those puppy owners should not have had their registrations compromised.
In keeping with the seriousness with which the Disciplinary Committee views this case the above penalties have been imposed.